Upcoming Aquatics Registration

Monday, April 7 at 6AM: Preschool swim lessons
Tuesday, April 8 at 6AM: School age, private and adult swim lessons

General Programs & Camps

Friday, April 4 at noon: May-August 2025 Activity Guide release
Thursday, April 10 at 6AM: General programs and camps registration

Registration Tips:

  • Access to explore.wspr.ca and ALL bookable programs may start in a virtual waiting room.
    When it's your turn in the queue, you will be directed directly to the website to proceed with your registration.
    If the system is not overwhelmed, the queue will not be activated.

  • View the Intelli Help Section and the (i) button in top menu bar of your registration account for more information.


  • Waitlist issues: If you experience any issues being put on a waitlist, please call reception at 250-478-8384 for help in processing.
  • Receipt processing: Please be aware that during these times, transactions can take up to 24 hours to complete and for receipts to be emailed.

Spring Break Aqua Camp

Do you need some extra time in the pool to work on your swim skills? Sign up for this swim camp that will focus on some fun games and activities while improving your swimming skills. The focus will be on the skills around the Swim Safe 3/4 level. The goal is to work on the skills not to pass a level. Will spend 2.5 hours in the pool each day. Mixed with dry land games in the youth room and active play in the indoor sports complex. Come ready to swim, move and have fun!