Home Drop-in Schedules Stay & Play Schedule

Stay & Play Schedule

This new drop-in program will be a great time for your little ones while meeting new friends. We will have stations for play, arts & crafts, ride-on tiny cars, singsongs and a coffee station for the adults.

Book your spot up to 2 weeks in advance below, or call reception at 250-478-8384.

Wednesdays from January 15 – March 12
Langford/Highlands Room (upstairs in the JDF Child Care Center).
Walking to 3 years
$4.50 per child (siblings under 1 are free).

Thu, 27-Mar-25

  Thu Thursday Fri Friday Sat Saturday Sun Sunday Mon Monday Tue Tuesday Wed Wednesday


2 - Stay & Play Drop In

Wed, 02-Apr-25
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Spaces:  11

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